I registered and owned the rights to all the pictures on this site unless it says otherwise. If Image Rights got in touch with you about a claim, they have the right to defend my copyrights, so you will need to work with them directly to settle the claim.


We have some pictures on this site that you can use. If you want to, please let me know how you’d like to do it. I don’t mind if one of my photos is used for non-commercial purposes like student projects, personal projects, personal blogs, etc., as long as it is linked back to the original post and given credit. However, if I don’t hear from you first, my rights management company may get in touch, and you will need to work things out with them.


If you want to use my photos for business, whether it’s for profit or not, you will need to buy a license. This includes, but isn’t limited to, print ads in newspapers, magazines, TV, blogs, restaurant menus, signs, handouts, websites, and more. I offer flexible licenses for use around the world that start at $600 per shot. Please send me a note with a list of the photos you want to use and how you plan to use them. I will then get back to you with prices.


Please feel free to hire me if you need professional pictures taken of a product or recipe. Most of the time, my prices are lower than those of rights-managed stock photos, and it will almost certainly be cheaper than hiring an agency.

This is why: Sometimes there is a cook (and an assistant), sometimes there is a stylist (and an assistant), and sometimes there is a photographer (and an assistant). I’m sure you get the point! When you use an agency, the rates will be raised so the agency can make money. Each of these people has their rate. I can do all three jobs for one price because I’m a cook, a food stylist, and a photographer.